“Go forward with joyful confidence”

i resolve to take care in everything i do: mundane daily rituals, my work, my words, and my relationships with anyone. i resolve to push myself, but not hurt myself; to only revel in the day’s accomplishments, not just the presence of downtime; to eliminate wholly lazy days; to limit binges on fiction, and to learn to appreciate the world around me more than those i read about and watch.

i resolve to take care of my body; to stretch and exercise and increase my endurance to become functional as a human animal; to eat well without sacrificing enjoyment of my food; to find the optimum amount of sleep for me and get it consistently (because it’s honestly appalling that i haven’t realized this detail yet); to meditate when i need to, and to try not to turn to drugs when i can’t sleep.

i resolve to stop putting so much store in things like luck and fate; to stop blaming myself for things that are out of my control; to not get discouraged when looking in the mirror or at pictures; to remember that regret and shame are wastes of emotion if you’re not learning anything from them, and jealousy is never beneficial to anyone. i resolve to consider as many points of view as possible, and to react carefully and with consideration of others while remaining truthful.

i resolve to work hard, worry less, and enjoy more.